My Art Story – Irene Henjum


I have loved art and making art since I was a kid. As a child I liked to draw. At one point my whole bedroom wall was covered with drawings I did. Funny how some things never change, now my entire house is filled with my artwork. Throughout my life as an artist I have worked in many different mediums: ceramic sculpture, stone sculpture, printmaking, and now acrylic painting. I love painting because I am drawn to the smoothness of the paint and the colors. When I paint I get lost in the Zen of the paint going onto the board, paper or canvass.


My art is bold, colorful and experimental. My work contains movement and texture and bold geometric shapes. Abstract painting is my passion; of course all art is abstraction to a degree. I strive to create abstract paintings that are bold and colorful, yet contain familiar, recognizable shapes and symbols.


I enjoy experimenting with new ideas and I am always imagining new works, even while driving to work in my truck. Most of my work evolves into geometric shapes and forms. Many of my ideas start with noticing patterns in nature, like shadows and tree branches, or the shapes in the skyline.


Thank you for looking at my work.   To order clothing with prints of my art on them,  see below.

Current show:  Art About Agriculture

         Instagram: @irenehenjum               Clothing: